【同义词辨析】 2019-10-12 国庆笔记《一些记忆小窍门part 12》
1) arrange安排排列,首字母sar,to set in a proper sequence, relationship, or adjustment使进入合适的顺序关系调节,如a bouquet of elaborately arranged flowers一束精致排放的花,sar是特别行政区,如HK SAR。
2) segment部分,谐音a part separated out by natural lines of cleavage,如the retired segment of the population退休人口。
3) delectation享受欣赏,用一组解释suggests amusement, diversion, entertainment that gives pleasure,如presented a variety of skits for their delectation多个小品供观赏,三个词在一组20190707中
4) affectation做作,有点像顺口溜a trick of speech or behavior that strikes the observer as insincere言语动作上耍小花招让人觉得不真诚,如his foreign accent is an affectation他的外国腔是装模作样
5) quandary困惑,首字母2p,stresses the puzzlement and perplexity of one in a dilemma进退两难时表现的困惑不知所措,如in a quandary about how to repair it不知如何修理
6) pickle困境,谐音,用本组plight解释a distressing or sorry plight,如conflicting obligations that put me in a real pickle陷入困境
7) skillful技巧的,就是dexterity熟练,死记,implies a dexterity in execution or performance,如skillful manipulation of public opinion有技巧地操纵舆论(民意)